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Digging Dog Nursery at McKinley!

FYI, Sacramento gardeners… here’s a reminder from the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club that one of our most fabulous northern California nurseries is giving a talk on Fall color in the garden. Yes, there will be plants for sale!

October Program Speaker
Deborah Whigham, owner Digging Dog Nursery
Fall Color in the Garden
Shepard Garden and Arts Center
McKinley Park
Thursday October 23, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Deborah Whigham and her husband Gary Ratway are the owners of Digging Dog Nursery, a family run mail-order plant nursery. Situated on the Mendocino Coast in Northern California, their mail-order nursery has been growing high quality perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, trees, and vines for 20 years. If you are visiting the Mendocino area, call the nursery to schedule a visit. This is a wonderful nursery. Deborah loves to encourage gardeners to plant for fall color and will share her knowledge of plants using pictures and plant material she will clip from her own garden and the nursery gardens. Deborah will also bring plants for sale.