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Now you see ’em…

‘Sungold’ tomatoes in November

… soon you won’t. As November weather goes, this has been a warm one. In fact, I haven’t even pulled some of my summer veggies yet. See my ‘Sungold’ tomatoes? They’re still tasty and going strong, even though I’ve switched to cool-season crops and frost will come. Soon, I must remind myself.

Persian shield, coleus, cuphea, cyclamen, etc.

I planted the same plants in these front porch pots, but varying sun exposure favored the tropical looking Persian shield on the left and coleus on the right. I love both heat lovers and am happy to have memorial photos because soon they will be nothing but a mushy memory.

Dahlia imperialis

My tree dahlias– which I’m renaming two-story dahlias because they’re 20 feet tall– have a chance to bloom if these warm temps continue!

The garden is pretty much taking care of itself right now. It has to because I’m busy with Thanksgiving plans and other stuff.